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Global equity indexes futures are mostly rising currently ahead of US PCE price index report due at 16:30 CET today. Alphabet shares fell 3.0% after OpenAI launched a test version of SearchGPT, a new artificial intelligence-powered search engine to be implemented into ChatGPT that could enter OpenAI into an internet search market dominated by Google, Ford shares plunged 18.4% on Thursday after the automaker missed Wall Street earnings expectations.

Global equity indexes are pointing mostly lower currently after Wall Street slumped on Wednesday on mixed reports. Alphabet shares fell 5%, Microsoft shares fell 3.6% on Wednesday underperforming market amid reports the software giant has no plans to limit CrowdStrike's access to Microsoft's Windows operating system after CrowdStrike’s update of its cloud-based software offerings on Friday crashed millions of Microsoft Windows devices throughout the world.

Global equity indexes are pointing mostly down currently after tech stocks retreat led Wall Street lower on Tuesday. Alphabet shares slid 2.2% in after-hours trading underperforming market as Google’s parent reported second-quarter financial results that were mostly above analyst expectations, Tesla stock slumped 2.0% on Tuesday after reporting 7% drop in auto revenue while earnings fell short of Wall Street estimates.

美股周一收盘涨跌不一,在鲍威尔于欧洲中部时间今天18:00在美国参议院发表半年度证词之前,全球股市目前交投方向各异。尽管富国银行(Wells Fargo)将谷歌旗下 Alphabet 的目标股价从 168 美元上调至 187 美元,同时维持该股 "同等权重"(Equal Weight)评级,但苹果股价周一仍上涨 0.65%,跑赢大盘;Alphabet 股价周一下滑 0.77%。

上周五,在喜忧参半的非农就业报告公布后,美国股市走高,目前全球股票指数指向不同的方向。英伟达(Nvidia)股价下跌 1.9%,跑输大市,而新街研究公司(New Street Research)在一份行业报告中将英伟达股票评级从买入下调至中性,并对人工智能股票进行了 "健康检查";特斯拉股价周五上涨 2.1%。

在欧洲中部时间今天下午 16:30 发布 6 月份美国就业市场报告之前,全球股指期货多数上涨。软银股价在周四收于 11,190.00 日元的历史新高后,今天上涨了 0.31%,索尼集团股价上涨了 0.5%。


周二,科技股反弹带动华尔街股市上涨,目前全球股指大多指向上扬。英伟达(Nvidia)股价下跌 1.31%,跑输大市;特斯拉(Tesla)公布第二季度汽车销量下降但仍超出预期,股价周二大涨 10.2%。

Global stocks are trading in different directions currently after US stocks ended up on Monday. Apple shares rose 2.9% outperforming market, Tesla shares rallied 6.05% on Monday as Wells Fargo added Tesla stock to its third-quarter “Tactical Ideas list” yet kept its “underweight” rating and expressed concerns about slowing growth in deliveries and a risk of price cuts.

Global equity indexes futures are pointing in different directions currently after Wall Street slipped Friday despite soft PCE price index data. Alphabet shares slumped 1.84% as Rosenblatt cut its rating on Google’s parent Alphabet stock from Buy to Neutral citing “multiple areas of transitional risk that recommend stepping back for a little while to see how the company handles it,” Tesla shares added 0.29% on Friday outperforming market.

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